Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay about The Impact of Divorce on Children - 1401 Words
The Impact of Divorce on Children Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage that affects numerous people around the world. Divorce can be a heartbreaking process that affects not just the couple but their children also. I am going to be comparing the impact of divorce on children in context to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory. Individual The individual in this context is the child that is affected by the divorce of their parents. Studies show that divorce can affect a child’s social skills (Kim, 2011). Research shows that gender is a factor and that girls tend to be more sensitive then boys about parental divorce (Brockmeyer, Crowell, Treboux, 2009). Another factor is the health of the child. Divorce has an affect on the children’s†¦show more content†¦(2) Personality is a system of traits that decides individual qualities (Cobb, 2014a). The three main factors that influence personality are birth order, temperament, and personality type (book p 169, lecture in text). Personality develops by different experiences that the child goes through (Cobb, 2014a). Many different things affect an individual’s personality (Cobb, 2014a). There are different personality types that come from our personality preferences (Bristor, 2010). A child’s personality could be affected by their parents divorce. One trait of personality is if the child is an extrovert or introvert. An extrovert likes to be with their friends and makes friends easily. An introvert is shy and quiet. Traumatic experiences like divorce could make a child’s self-esteem go down and cause them to be more shy and quiet. Another outcome could be if the child was shy and quiet before the divorce may make them seek friends. Microsystem The microsystem in Bronfenbrenner’s theory is the child’s immediate environment (Bristor, 2010). There are multiple microsystems in the child’s life from their friends in school to the church group that they belong to. Family relationships are important but with divorce an individual may turn to outside relationships, like their peers instead of family (Robbers et al., 2012). When the child’s parents divorce they split up their household into two separateShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Divorce on Children1482 Words  | 6 PagesThe Impact of Divorce on Children Emily Grandy Abstract The discussion entitled The Impact of Divorce on Children takes an in-depth look at the impact divorce has on children academics. Research has shown that children that have experienced divorce amongst their parents are two times as likely to repeat a grade level. In addition research has discovered children of divorced parents are five times as likely to be expelled or suspended from the school system. College students in research surveysRead MoreThe Impact Of Children On Children With Divorce1115 Words  | 5 Pagesbetter understanding of my topic, and how to answer my question. 1.5 million children deal with divorce every year. Researchers have found that only a relatively small percentage of children experience severe problems in the wake of divorce. Also, they have found that most children, after the initial blow of divorce, only suffer for a short period of time. Many children experience short-term negative effects from divorce. For example some of the effects include: an xiety, anger, shock and disbeliefRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Divorce on Children1446 Words  | 6 PagesDivorce, once unheard of among most people, is now a commonplace occurrence in families when the adults have decided that they can no longer work out their differences. Unfortunately, divorce tends to have a negative impact on the children in the family, particularly affecting children who already have psychological or emotional difficulties, such as ADHD (Patten, 1999). Problems that arise in children of divorce run the gamut from behavioral problems to later relationship/trust issues. ChildrenRead MoreThe Impact of Divorce on Children Essay806 Words  | 4 Pagessociety that has perhaps one of the highest rates of divorce amongst all other industrial nations at a rate averaging around 40 to 50 percent. Of that staggering rate of divorce, 60 percent of those involve children. Because of this, more than one million children go through their parents’ divorce ea ch year. Now, during this time of divorce a great focus seems to be drawn between the adults, but at what point should we wonder about the children? 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The main purpose of this review is to determine the effects of the effects of the growing epidemic of divorce, what is happening to our children when they confront the reality ofRead MoreThe Impact Of Divorce On Children S Emotion844 Words  | 4 Pages Running head: THE IMPACT OF DIVORCE ON CHILDREN’S EMOTION The Impact of Divorce on Children Emotion Lateefah Abiri Houston community College (Alief) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research paper is made actualized through the support from everyone that include my family, teacher, classmates, HCCS-Alief Library staff and the hardworking men and women that devote their time to changing mankind through research and dissemination. Especially, please allow me to dedicateRead MoreDivorce and Its Impact on Cpuples and Children Essay932 Words  | 4 Pages The term divorce is a legal term that denotes the separation of two individuals in a legal manner that was once connected to each other as a result of marriage. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Social and Mobile Marketing Free Essays
Technological advancement triggered a change in the traditional marketing midway and strategies. The Internet is now considered as one of the most effective ways to communicate to customers, to advertise and launch products. People relied more and more on the Internet for research, We will write a custom essay sample on Social and Mobile Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/social-networking-boon-or-bane/"social networking, online communication and shopping. Without the luxury of time, people started to prefer to stay home or in the office to process transactions through the Internet. The Internet service industry along with computer sales drastically increased because of the growing need for Internet surfing for personal and business use. Remarkably, direct and digital marketing through Internet became the preferred marketing midways used by companies since it offers direct communication with the customer base through email, online ads, search engine listing, online public relations, social bookmarking, affiliate marketing and viral electronic word-of-mouth marketing. With all these options to choose from, a company can properly profile the needs and wants of the customers. Moreover, surveys are normally done to define the needs, feedback and preferences of the customers. With the wide range of scope that the Internet can reach, the price is a lot cost-effective than that of the traditional mediums of marketing through TV, print and radio. One benefit of mobile advertising is the accessibility of the target market and the impeccable knowledge about the customer in terms of demographics, usage and channel. Moreover, the delivery mechanism enables marketers to receive campaign statistics and measure campaign effectiveness. With the evolving changes in the behavior of people in this technological world, the mobile marketing strategy can surpass and grow in the next 3 to 6 years. If the behavior of people and the technological growth will be the metrics for advancement of mobile marketing, it can be confidently said an advancement will happen to this marketing practices category. On the other hand, social marketing will also be affected with the phenomenal growth in technology. Social marketing is mainly focused on changing the intractable behaviors in complex environmental, economic, social, political circumstances for the common good of people. It’s main purpose is to improve the quality of life which can be considered as ambitious. A thorough and comprehensive planning is needed for social marketing and it requires accurate profiling of the customers. In lieu with the objective of social marketing to change the behavior of the market, the world wide web is the best place to profile and to influence the market. The remarkable usage of Internet created opportunities for social marketing and advocacies. Three or six years from now, social marketing will be more comprehensive and accurate, with the availability of resources, it is more manageable to directly reach out to a customer base. Technologically speaking, it is very much possible for the global marketing to be widely used through enhancing and automating the processes. To change the behavior of a market is far too ambitious to achieve, however, the behavior of people towards advocacies and programs have evolved. Support for such have grown in the last few years. With this change in behavior, opportunities for profiling and changing the views of people is somehow more achievable and realistic. In conclusion, there are possibilities of the decline in the social marketing practices as well as the digital advertising. However, these two categories of marketing can also adopt to the ever changing market preferences but enhancements will be formulated to improve the approaches of How to cite Social and Mobile Marketing, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Nokias Pricing Strategy free essay sample
Nokia’s pricing strategy Nokia is one brand name that inspires all those who are into the mobile culture. Of the entire brand that touches our lives, Nokia stand s out significantly. It has taken mobility a step forward by creating products with continuous innovations in this industry has made it imperative that every player keeps pace with changes. Nokia has been one step ahead in anticipating future market moves and strategizing accordingly. Interestingly the company prices its products so competitively that it not only ensures that its margins are covered but also assures revenue maximization. Let us see how Nokia leveraged it segmentation strategies, appealed to various segments with uniquely designed messages and differentiated between its products at every level to communicate and connect effectively with the intended target audience. When Nokia positions its product to the top end segment, it does it as a classy product. To the middle segment customers it is in the form of the best alternative. We will write a custom essay sample on Nokias Pricing Strategy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To the lower end segment, the carrot is that Nokia gives real value, as a high tech product, at low affordable price. The pricing strategy of Nokia can be better understood when the juxtaposed with the skimming strategy and further interposed on Philip Kotler’s nine price/quality strategies model. (Source: Philip Kotler, marketing management, 11 editions, PHI) With a vast family of brand that caters to every segment, one can clearly see how Nokia, yielding to the pressure due to the competitive and innovative mobile handset market, slides each brand down the segments, one at a time by reducing its prices carefully and consistently) Here are some live examples of Nokia’s skimming pricing strategy: Classic Nokia 8250 Nokia phone model 8250which was available with the vendors during the year 2000 was priced at Rs. 18000. It was without modern features like camera and MMS. The telecommunications infrastructure of the country was in its initial stages and so were the service provider’s fares. Hence only the premium segment could have afforded the phone. However with the easing of the government regulations and increased competition, market dynamics changed, and during 2004, the price of the model took a nosedive and was made available for Rs. 000-10000. Now the model has been completely phased out. Only second hand products are available. Here was one product which despite market forces maintains its price distinction and continued to carry a premium connotation to it. Neo Classic Nokia 6600 This model from Nokia was made available in 2003, complete with a color screen, integrated camera and other contemporary features. In the beginning the product was prices in the range o f Rs. 21000-22000. By November 2004, it was available in much lower, 15000-16000 range. The model is currently available for price of Rs. 9000-10000 only. Modern Nokia 9500 communicator This is known as the snazziest model ever launched by Nokia in India. The Nokia 9500 communicator comes with office features and a large screen, coupled with increase and Bluetooth technology. Available in the market since 2005, it was initially priced at 42,000, but currently can be bought for just 26,000. All the above models were produced in quick succession and Nokia’s strategy was to deliberately allow them to eat into each other’s market share. At the same time, Nokia proliferated the market with as many models as possible by 2006, at virtually every price point. Each one of Nokia’s model played a role in catapulting Nokia to the top of the heap, in the Indian mobile handset market. It would be apt to map Nokia’s pricing strategy on the line of the premium, high value, and super value strategy, especially on the price-quality model. On the flip side, consistent price cuts in rapid succession have the potential of smearing the brand image. But, in the buoyant telecom sector, where change is name of the game, the consumer is iscerning enough to have a rational outlook towards a particular brand and its attributes, irrespective of the pricing strategy. After all, skimming or no skimming, customer benefit is almost always guaranteed in the price sensitive competitive market. Questions 1. Discuss the segmentation strategy of Nokia and comment on its efficacy. 2. Explain how Nokia used the skimming pricing strategy for its products. Give your comments on the strategy. 3. What would have happened if Nokia had used the penetration pricing strategy instead of skimming?
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