Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay about The Impact of Divorce on Children - 1401 Words
The Impact of Divorce on Children Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage that affects numerous people around the world. Divorce can be a heartbreaking process that affects not just the couple but their children also. I am going to be comparing the impact of divorce on children in context to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory. Individual The individual in this context is the child that is affected by the divorce of their parents. Studies show that divorce can affect a child’s social skills (Kim, 2011). Research shows that gender is a factor and that girls tend to be more sensitive then boys about parental divorce (Brockmeyer, Crowell, Treboux, 2009). Another factor is the health of the child. Divorce has an affect on the children’s†¦show more content†¦(2) Personality is a system of traits that decides individual qualities (Cobb, 2014a). The three main factors that influence personality are birth order, temperament, and personality type (book p 169, lecture in text). Personality develops by different experiences that the child goes through (Cobb, 2014a). Many different things affect an individual’s personality (Cobb, 2014a). There are different personality types that come from our personality preferences (Bristor, 2010). A child’s personality could be affected by their parents divorce. One trait of personality is if the child is an extrovert or introvert. An extrovert likes to be with their friends and makes friends easily. An introvert is shy and quiet. Traumatic experiences like divorce could make a child’s self-esteem go down and cause them to be more shy and quiet. Another outcome could be if the child was shy and quiet before the divorce may make them seek friends. Microsystem The microsystem in Bronfenbrenner’s theory is the child’s immediate environment (Bristor, 2010). There are multiple microsystems in the child’s life from their friends in school to the church group that they belong to. Family relationships are important but with divorce an individual may turn to outside relationships, like their peers instead of family (Robbers et al., 2012). When the child’s parents divorce they split up their household into two separateShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Divorce on Children1482 Words  | 6 PagesThe Impact of Divorce on Children Emily Grandy Abstract The discussion entitled The Impact of Divorce on Children takes an in-depth look at the impact divorce has on children academics. Research has shown that children that have experienced divorce amongst their parents are two times as likely to repeat a grade level. In addition research has discovered children of divorced parents are five times as likely to be expelled or suspended from the school system. College students in research surveysRead MoreThe Impact Of Children On Children With Divorce1115 Words  | 5 Pagesbetter understanding of my topic, and how to answer my question. 1.5 million children deal with divorce every year. Researchers have found that only a relatively small percentage of children experience severe problems in the wake of divorce. Also, they have found that most children, after the initial blow of divorce, only suffer for a short period of time. Many children experience short-term negative effects from divorce. For example some of the effects include: an xiety, anger, shock and disbeliefRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Divorce on Children1446 Words  | 6 PagesDivorce, once unheard of among most people, is now a commonplace occurrence in families when the adults have decided that they can no longer work out their differences. Unfortunately, divorce tends to have a negative impact on the children in the family, particularly affecting children who already have psychological or emotional difficulties, such as ADHD (Patten, 1999). Problems that arise in children of divorce run the gamut from behavioral problems to later relationship/trust issues. ChildrenRead MoreThe Impact of Divorce on Children Essay806 Words  | 4 Pagessociety that has perhaps one of the highest rates of divorce amongst all other industrial nations at a rate averaging around 40 to 50 percent. Of that staggering rate of divorce, 60 percent of those involve children. Because of this, more than one million children go through their parents’ divorce ea ch year. Now, during this time of divorce a great focus seems to be drawn between the adults, but at what point should we wonder about the children? 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Also, slightly more than half of all divorced children are under the age of 18Read MoreThe Impact of Divorce on Children and Family Dynamics Essays2068 Words  | 9 Pagestwo decades divorce has increased substantially leaving couples single and families broken. Divorce is the reality for many families as there is an increase in divorce rates, cohabitation rates, and the number of children raised in step and single marital families. Divorce cannot be overlooked as it negatively affects and impacts youngsters for the rest of their lives. Although it is the decision between two parents’s children are hurt the most in the process. The concept of divorce is extremelyRead MoreHow Divorce Impacts Children Under the Age of 182153 Words  | 9 PagesHow Divorce Impacts Children Under the Age of 18 F. Jeanpierre Psychology Abstract In this research you will see how divorce impacts children under the age of 18. The effects are not universal. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Social and Mobile Marketing Free Essays
Technological advancement triggered a change in the traditional marketing midway and strategies. The Internet is now considered as one of the most effective ways to communicate to customers, to advertise and launch products. People relied more and more on the Internet for research, We will write a custom essay sample on Social and Mobile Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/social-networking-boon-or-bane/"social networking, online communication and shopping. Without the luxury of time, people started to prefer to stay home or in the office to process transactions through the Internet. The Internet service industry along with computer sales drastically increased because of the growing need for Internet surfing for personal and business use. Remarkably, direct and digital marketing through Internet became the preferred marketing midways used by companies since it offers direct communication with the customer base through email, online ads, search engine listing, online public relations, social bookmarking, affiliate marketing and viral electronic word-of-mouth marketing. With all these options to choose from, a company can properly profile the needs and wants of the customers. Moreover, surveys are normally done to define the needs, feedback and preferences of the customers. With the wide range of scope that the Internet can reach, the price is a lot cost-effective than that of the traditional mediums of marketing through TV, print and radio. One benefit of mobile advertising is the accessibility of the target market and the impeccable knowledge about the customer in terms of demographics, usage and channel. Moreover, the delivery mechanism enables marketers to receive campaign statistics and measure campaign effectiveness. With the evolving changes in the behavior of people in this technological world, the mobile marketing strategy can surpass and grow in the next 3 to 6 years. If the behavior of people and the technological growth will be the metrics for advancement of mobile marketing, it can be confidently said an advancement will happen to this marketing practices category. On the other hand, social marketing will also be affected with the phenomenal growth in technology. Social marketing is mainly focused on changing the intractable behaviors in complex environmental, economic, social, political circumstances for the common good of people. It’s main purpose is to improve the quality of life which can be considered as ambitious. A thorough and comprehensive planning is needed for social marketing and it requires accurate profiling of the customers. In lieu with the objective of social marketing to change the behavior of the market, the world wide web is the best place to profile and to influence the market. The remarkable usage of Internet created opportunities for social marketing and advocacies. Three or six years from now, social marketing will be more comprehensive and accurate, with the availability of resources, it is more manageable to directly reach out to a customer base. Technologically speaking, it is very much possible for the global marketing to be widely used through enhancing and automating the processes. To change the behavior of a market is far too ambitious to achieve, however, the behavior of people towards advocacies and programs have evolved. Support for such have grown in the last few years. With this change in behavior, opportunities for profiling and changing the views of people is somehow more achievable and realistic. In conclusion, there are possibilities of the decline in the social marketing practices as well as the digital advertising. However, these two categories of marketing can also adopt to the ever changing market preferences but enhancements will be formulated to improve the approaches of How to cite Social and Mobile Marketing, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Nokias Pricing Strategy free essay sample
Nokia’s pricing strategy Nokia is one brand name that inspires all those who are into the mobile culture. Of the entire brand that touches our lives, Nokia stand s out significantly. It has taken mobility a step forward by creating products with continuous innovations in this industry has made it imperative that every player keeps pace with changes. Nokia has been one step ahead in anticipating future market moves and strategizing accordingly. Interestingly the company prices its products so competitively that it not only ensures that its margins are covered but also assures revenue maximization. Let us see how Nokia leveraged it segmentation strategies, appealed to various segments with uniquely designed messages and differentiated between its products at every level to communicate and connect effectively with the intended target audience. When Nokia positions its product to the top end segment, it does it as a classy product. To the middle segment customers it is in the form of the best alternative. We will write a custom essay sample on Nokias Pricing Strategy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To the lower end segment, the carrot is that Nokia gives real value, as a high tech product, at low affordable price. The pricing strategy of Nokia can be better understood when the juxtaposed with the skimming strategy and further interposed on Philip Kotler’s nine price/quality strategies model. (Source: Philip Kotler, marketing management, 11 editions, PHI) With a vast family of brand that caters to every segment, one can clearly see how Nokia, yielding to the pressure due to the competitive and innovative mobile handset market, slides each brand down the segments, one at a time by reducing its prices carefully and consistently) Here are some live examples of Nokia’s skimming pricing strategy: Classic Nokia 8250 Nokia phone model 8250which was available with the vendors during the year 2000 was priced at Rs. 18000. It was without modern features like camera and MMS. The telecommunications infrastructure of the country was in its initial stages and so were the service provider’s fares. Hence only the premium segment could have afforded the phone. However with the easing of the government regulations and increased competition, market dynamics changed, and during 2004, the price of the model took a nosedive and was made available for Rs. 000-10000. Now the model has been completely phased out. Only second hand products are available. Here was one product which despite market forces maintains its price distinction and continued to carry a premium connotation to it. Neo Classic Nokia 6600 This model from Nokia was made available in 2003, complete with a color screen, integrated camera and other contemporary features. In the beginning the product was prices in the range o f Rs. 21000-22000. By November 2004, it was available in much lower, 15000-16000 range. The model is currently available for price of Rs. 9000-10000 only. Modern Nokia 9500 communicator This is known as the snazziest model ever launched by Nokia in India. The Nokia 9500 communicator comes with office features and a large screen, coupled with increase and Bluetooth technology. Available in the market since 2005, it was initially priced at 42,000, but currently can be bought for just 26,000. All the above models were produced in quick succession and Nokia’s strategy was to deliberately allow them to eat into each other’s market share. At the same time, Nokia proliferated the market with as many models as possible by 2006, at virtually every price point. Each one of Nokia’s model played a role in catapulting Nokia to the top of the heap, in the Indian mobile handset market. It would be apt to map Nokia’s pricing strategy on the line of the premium, high value, and super value strategy, especially on the price-quality model. On the flip side, consistent price cuts in rapid succession have the potential of smearing the brand image. But, in the buoyant telecom sector, where change is name of the game, the consumer is iscerning enough to have a rational outlook towards a particular brand and its attributes, irrespective of the pricing strategy. After all, skimming or no skimming, customer benefit is almost always guaranteed in the price sensitive competitive market. Questions 1. Discuss the segmentation strategy of Nokia and comment on its efficacy. 2. Explain how Nokia used the skimming pricing strategy for its products. Give your comments on the strategy. 3. What would have happened if Nokia had used the penetration pricing strategy instead of skimming?
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Theodore Roosevelt A Life Essays - Sons Of The American Revolution
Theodore Roosevelt: A Life Theodore Roosevelt: A Life, by Nathan Miller, is an extensive biography of Theodore Roosevelt's life. Theodore Roosevelt, who was born on October 27, 1858, later went on to become one of the most influential figures of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centaury. In addition to providing an extremely detailed biography of Roosevelt, Nathan Miller also shows the lifestyles and characteristics of the society in which Theodore was raised. This book carries much significance for many reasons. First, it may be based on factual instances, but it is not solely ?just the facts.? Theodore Roosevelt: A Life also draws attention to the emotions of the characters and their opinions, not just actions. Second, it provides an accurate image of America during Theodore Roosevelt's life. Miller begins by covering the latter part of Theodore Roosevelt Sr.'s life and the events precluding the birth of Teedie, as Theodore was known during his childhood, and his siblings. Theodore was a very sickly child. This is significant as it provides a sense of contrast to the strong powerhouse into which this ?sickly boy? evolves. Theodore, early in his life, travels with his family to Europe for several years. During his early teens, Theodore returns to his home city of New York. Miller then addresses Theodore's strong will to self-improve. The author mentions young Roosevelt's experiences with weightlifting and other physical exercise in an attempt to ?make his body.? This is a very key section of Theodore's youth because it demonstrates the power of Roosevelt's will. As Theodore approached adulthood, he attended Harvard and graduated with prestige. He was introduced to the political scene at an early age. Theodore Roosevelt also fought in the ?Rough Riders? Probably the most important thing is that Theodore Roosevelt achieved presidency. While there: he implemented the ?Big Stick? diplomacy; he assumed the responsibility of the Panama Canal; and he won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. Theodore Roosevelt: A Life was written in 1992, although it still accurately reflects the time period in which it takes place. It shows the obvious differences between then and now. An example is using coffee as an old-fashioned cure for asthma. Another is monopolies and their stranglehold on American society, business, and free trade. This is still a delicate issue even today due to the battle Theodore Roosevelt started a hundred years ago. Also, just because it takes place a centaury ago, does not mean that everything has changed. The rivalries and feuds still exist among political parties as it has for many years. Nathan Miller also examines this in reference to the struggle with Taft for the position of Republican party candidate. The central theme conveyed to the reader is most assuredly that one should strive to succeed and always attempt to self-improve. This is probably the biggest credo by which Theodore Roosevelt lived. As a boy, he tried to build up his strength and endurance by exercising. He worked tirelessly at Harvard to receive high marks. He struggled to have his voice heard politically. Since his father had told him to make his body as a child, Roosevelt had pushed himself to the limits to prove himself. When the opportunity to prove himself came in the form of a war, Roosevelt was entirely involved. Later, he accompanied McKinley, as the vice-president of the United States, and eventually, through the assassination of William McKinley, became president. Theodore Roosevelt was not like Gerald Ford, however. Roosevelt went on to be reelected based on his popularity and his accomplishments in office. Along with this, he led an active outdoor lifestyle. He would travel constantly to pursue big-game hunting. He had the confidence to form his own political party to rival Taft. These are all actions of a dedicated and driven man. Roosevelt seemed to live by the notion that ?life was meant to be lived.? He seemed to squeeze every drop out of his life, attempting not to miss anything. In a summation, Nathan Miller's Theodore Roosevelt: A Life is a truthful and accurate depiction of not only one man and his extraordinary life, but also the underlying strength that forced a small, sickly, asthmatic boy into a strong, intelligent and influential world leader. It was the power of Theodore Roosevelt's will that enabled him to do so, and
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essays
The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essays The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essay The Effect of Interactivity with a Music Video Game on Second Language Vocabulary Recall Essay This research has been done by Jonathan deHaan. W. Michael Reed and Katsuko Kuwada. Jonathan deHaan is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Shizuoka. He earned his Ph. D. in Educational Communication and Technology from New York University. His research focuses on 2nd linguistic communication acquisition and learning with games and simulations. As for W. Michael Reed. he was a retired professor of Educational Communication and Technology at New York University and the IRB/IACUC Administrator for Radford University in Virginia. His research involvements spanned over a 25-year period and focused on educational computer science. problem-solving. metacognition. and composing procedures. Meanwhile. Katsuko Kuwada is a doctorial pupil in the International Cultural Studies plan at Tohoku University. She investigates linguistic communication and civilization ; her current research compares the usage of first-person topics in Nipponese and English based on different cultural backgrounds. The intent of this research is to cognize physical interactivity of a 2nd linguistic communication music picture game is manipulated to look into the consequence of interactivity on vocabulary acquisition and cognitive burden ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) or in simpler manner is to look into whether the interactivity ( and at the same time presented text. sound and life ) of picture game is immaterial cognitive burden ( therefore holding a negative consequence on larning ) or germane burden ( therefore holding a positive consequence on larning ) ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) . Overview The research inquiry that been highlighted here is to see interactivity of 2nd linguistic communication on music picture game on remembering vocabulary. This research captured my attending due to the use of media in learning English as 2nd linguistic communication to undergraduate Nipponese pupils. As we all know. multimedia engineering has been implemented in linguistic communication acquisition to pull every bit good as to actuate 2nd linguistic communication user to be able to comprehend. learn and bask English linguistic communication. This research is important to this aeon. in which multimedia is being integrated in linguistic communication acquisition. Thus Professor deHaan. Prof. Reed and DR. Kuwada focal point on what represent a game instead so what can be added to a game to do it accessible and gratifying in learning and larning procedure. In this research it has depicted that human cognitive architecture consists of a limited short-run memory’ ( Baddeley. 1992. Miller. 1959 ) . and a game’s complex elements ( e. g. usic. captions and wordss ) can make an inalterable high demand on working memory ( intrinsic cognitive burden ) . it is of import to understand whether a media characteristics. such as interactivity. show a pupil with unneeded immaterial cognitive burden. which interferes with larning. or germane burden. which enhances acquisition ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada ; 2010 ) . Analysis This research has been done to see video game interactivity would assist or impede the noticing and callba ck of 2nd linguistic communication vocabulary. ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) . Here the three research workers have used interactivity. linguistic communication proficiency and picture game proficiency as independent variables while cognitive burden vocabulary written callback. and participant sentiments as dependent steps. Eighty undergraduates in which 65 of them are males and 15 of them are females in a scope of age about 18 to 24. from Computer Science University in rural Japan. Subjects’ female parent lingua is Nipponese and has 6 to 11 old ages of formal English instruction. Participants were paired and one participant in each brace was indiscriminately assigned to either drama or watch the picture game. and this been conducted in research lab. for 20 proceedingss long. Professor deHaan. Prof. Reed and Dr. Kuwada. instructed the participants to play or watch the game and larn the words of the blame. The video game degree was repeated five times by all braces. The participants were non allowed to take notes or utilize their lexicons and even non allowed to see and what more to interact with one and another. The stuff that was used in this research was Parappa the Rapper 2. Straight after cease with the experiment. participants would be given subjects from the game and were used as written cloze trial. where participants were required to compose the losing words from the game’s blame in the text’s spaces. This trial been repeated once more after 2 hebdomads. The consequence after the trial depicted that watchers of the picture game recalled significantly more vocabulary points compare to the participants. Therefore because spectators focus merely on the objects in the game and the sentences depicting the images without even have to incorporate with the game console. Meanwhile. the participants have to both focal points on the integrating with game and with console every bit good as their integrating with the sentences depicting the images. to such a grade the participants are holding cognitive tonss. Critique and Evaluation This research is focus on consequence of interactivity with music picture game on 2nd linguistic communication vocabulary callback. After exhaustively read the research paper I have found out that Professor deHaan. Prof. Reed and Kuwada pay cogently attending to cognize whether video game ( multimedia engineering ) would assist or impede noticing and recall 2nd linguistic communication vocabulary. Here the three research workers focus on cognitivist position in which harmonizing to Jean Piaget ( 1977 ) . mental procedure of an single usage in reacting to their environment. Cognitivism trades with how people think. work out jobs and do determinations. When the participants interact with the game they are utilizing their cognitive ability to prosecute with the stairss that they need to result in order to travel up to the following degree of the game every bit good as to convene on the wordss given in the game. Here the participants are reacting to their environment. nevertheless being cognitive tonss between fixating on the game and prosecuting to the wordss somehow has distracted them from concentrating on the vocabulary. Therefore has made them failed to remember the vocabulary during vocabulary recall trial. Meanwhile. the spectators do non confront the cognitive burden due to entirely one manner interaction ( having the input ) between them and the picture game. therefore has given them clip to give great item utilizing memorisation method. which is one of the 6 cognitive acquisition schemes ( Rubin A ; Wenden. 1987 ) . to indulge in the game. Furthermore. this research has proven that by utilizing video game can assist to help linguistic communication larning in 2nd linguistic communication leaner. As been reference by Hubbard ( 1991 ) . linguistic communication acquisition may go on with video game as linguistic communication is involved in the drama. It is easy to accept linguistic communication larning evolves through game as linguistic communication and job resolution are correlated and what more pupils seem to bask it. Despite that. the research has significantly highlighted that by watching the media ( game ) . in rebelliousness of affecting in it. can do the scholars notice and remembering more vocabulary items’ ( deHaan. Reed A ; Kuwada. 2010 ) . as they have merely to concentrate on the wordss merely. Hence consolidate that use of multimedia engineering ( game ) in linguistic communication category does non impede the linguistic communication acquisition. However. instructors must size up type of game that they want to utilize in their linguistic communication category. Nevertheless. in larning 2nd linguistic communication it is non adequate by merely interact with game and the wordss. To go competency in a linguistic communication 1 must besides portray the intent of utilizing the linguistic communication instead than merely simply know the linguistic communication yet non pass on it in purposeful conversation to reenforce the acquisition. therefore communicating is of import in linguistic communication acquisition. Like what has been mentioned by Douglas Brown ( 2000 ) . communicating is non simply an event. something that happens ; it is functional. purposive and designed to convey about some consequence. Due to that. 2 hebdomads after the research has been done. the participants been called to try 2nd trial to measure their vocabulary in remembering the game wordss. Here both participants and spectators have shown drastically cut downing of vocabulary if comparing to the old trial. This has proven that without purposeful larning pupils will non be able to prolong the vocabulary. On my behalf. I strongly believe that communicative support can heighten on linguistic communication larning via engineering. as one linguistic communication acquisition and no purposeful practise will impede the linguistic communication larning procedure. Through this research I have learnt to assent. without coaction with larning schemes ( between memorizing. recalling and pass oning via multimedia tool ) . the linguistic communication acquisition will non go purposeful and will do one larning a failure. Decision It can be concluded that physical interaction of this game has immaterial cognitive burden consequence on the participants. therefore non contributing to larning and seemed to hold unnecessarily diverted the players’ attending from the vocabulary and impede callback. Meanwhile. the spectators of the game have non exposed to the extra immaterial burden and have been able to give more cognitive resources to the intrinsic burden of the game and its linguistic communication. As a effect this research I have learnt that suited game ( multimedia ) can help linguistic communication larning procedure as pupils seemed to bask such activity. In any regard with purposeful support such as germane communicative support can counterbalance linguistic communication acquisition better. Furthermore. deduction of this research on future survey. instructors will be more selective in taking multimedia stuff for their categories and they will do certain balance input been given in the sense of interactivity and linguistic communication acquisition so that no cognitive burden will happen and impede linguistic communication larning via multimedia.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The â€Å"peanut gallery†may not directly bully the victim, but by standing on the sidelines giving their attention to the actions they encourage they bully. Even though I am not a bully, I have been part of the â€Å"peanut gallery†that makes bullying an even worse situation. The â€Å"peanut gallery†are students that can make a positive change to stop bullying. As students, we can take action to stop bullying in our schools and I have some ideas to make this happen. I and a group of students would dedicate one week at the beginning of the school year to hold an anti-bullying campaign called â€Å"Bully Beatdown. The â€Å"Bully Beatdown†campaign would raise awareness to the issues of bullying. For the campaign kick-off, I would hold a rally for students to share their personal stories and experience with bullying. I would invite a counselor or a psychologist specializing in anti-social behavior to speak at the rally about the effects of bullying. The person could train students on anti-bullying tactics. During the â€Å"Bully Beatdown†campaign, I would have students perform skits acting out different bullying scenarios and ways they can stop bullying such as befriending a victim of bullying. To promote my campaign, I would pass out information flyers and pamphlets, buttons, and signs to post throughout the school in bathrooms, gyms, lunchrooms, and hallways. Another feature of the campaign will have students sign a social contract agreeing to not participate in bullying of any kind, to stand up for the victims of bullying, to not be a bystander to bullying, and to report bullying to teachers or a responsible adult. I would create an organization called â€Å"Bully Guardians†which is a community of students who act as a support network for students targeted by bullies. The students who were spectators to bullying can become a â€Å"Bully Guardian. †Many students are afraid to report bullying incidents they observe because they might become targets themselves. I would create an â€Å"Anonymous Email System†for those students who don’t want to report an incident in-person to a teacher or the principal. The student could send an email explaining the bullying incident they saw or encountered. After the campaign kick-off, I propose that each month schools devote a day to bully awareness and to report on the progress they’ve made to stop bullying. I believe my plan of action is practical and easy to implement in schools.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Funding proposal for center for bioethical mentorship for clinicians Essay
Funding proposal for center for bioethical mentorship for clinicians working with chronically disables patients &their families - Essay Example Therefore, several projects would be fundamental for a bioethical center that seeks to advance high moral character for the clinicians. The first project is the inquiry into societal change, which makes some values that were upheld in the past virtually inapplicable in the present society. Another key element that would serve as a vital project for the bioethical center is human abuse, which calls for a thorough inquiry into various forms of human abuse, both psychological and physical, which acts as a deterrent to the recovery of patients. The nature of interactions and how they impact on the patients and their relationship with clinicians is yet another relevant area of inquiry, with a view to developing basic essentials of interactions that impact positively on the patients. Any project undertaken in the above three areas will be essential part of informing the development of moral character for clinicians, owing to the fact that the areas address all the moral components that eme rges from any interaction between clinicians and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Cultural Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Cultural Analysis - Research Paper Example Healthcare provision is still behind in upper-middle-class countries. People in Panama have no confidence in the health care provision. They believe God is the only alternative for curing diseases. It made the researcher believe the level of education in Panama is still behind. Civilization has not taken root in most parts of Panama. To understand the women's position in the Panamanian’s society, the interviewee gave an in-depth discussion. The specific questions were how the marriage customs were practiced, attitude about separation, how women express modesty and roles of women in the society. The answers for the questions were different from what the researcher expected. It turned out that the women had no major position in Panamanian’s society. The researcher agreed with the interviewer that it would take time for Panama, to embrace the role of women in the society. For a health care provider to be culturally sensitive, he has to understand the roles of gender, sexual orientation, faith, tastes, and socioeconomic status. Physicians have to be sensitive to the unique needs of the Panama people. Sensitivity to their needs will improve the service delivery. Furthermore, asking appropriate questions, which are open-ended, will demonstrate a particular health care provider is culturally sensitive. Communication is an essential tool that will improve the patient-doctor relationship. The communication means should be able to bridge the differences between the culture of medicine and Panamanian’s beliefs and practices.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Explain why Gatsby is considered a romantic Essay Example for Free
Explain why Gatsby is considered a romantic Essay Although F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, is told from the point of view of Nick Carraway, who was one of its main characters and the first character introduced, it still mainly revolves around the story of Jay Gatsby and his romantic pursuit of Daisy Buchanan, the only woman he ever loved. While the novel initially focuses on the status of America and the morally perverted characteristics of the wealthy people in Long Island, it also emphasizes Gatsby’s quest to win back Daisy at all costs after the two separated when he participated in World War I. This is also why Gatsby can be considered a highly romantic character in the novel despite the fact that the story is not told from his perspective. In general, Gatsby’s romantic pursuit of Daisy is depicted throughout the novel except for its early chapters because he was first fully introduced near middle part of the story. Possibly the first point in the novel wherein his romantic character is illustrated was when Nick discovered from his friend, Jordan Baker, that Gatsby has been throwing massive and lavish parties every week in the hope that Daisy will visit. This was also the point where Nick, who was also the narrator and the person who documented the events of his companions, discovered Gatsby’s past and how he got separated from Daisy as a soldier. It is also revealed later on in the novel that Gatsby accumulated massive wealth for the sole purpose of impressing Daisy and convincing her that she would be well-provided with him. He also bought his house on the same area where Daisy lives in order to be close her and monitor her. In fact, when Gatsby was still a soldier and was not yet rich, he lied to Daisy about his social status in order to show her that he was good for her and to persuade her to wait for his return from the battlefield. However, Daisy married Tom Buchanan, her present husband, which basically ignited the chain of events that led to Gatsby’s relentless pursuit of Daisy. In other words, all of Gatsby’s actions mentioned above only show that he would do anything for his love. This was further accentuated when it was shown in the novel that Gatsby acquired his wealth through illegal activities and through participation in organized crime such as unlawful distribution of alcohol and stolen goods. Meaning to say, no matter what the means and the costs were, Gatsby would do anything for Daisy, which only proves that he is a romantic. Another important highlight of Gatsby’s romantic pursuit is his reunion with Daisy which was arranged by Nick. It was during this time that Gatsby’s passion and love towards her were more vividly revealed. Moreover, it again showed how Gatsby would do anything just to see Daisy and be reunited with her because even to the point of asking Nick, whom he has known for only a short time, to arrange such a meeting. When Gatsby and Daisy started a secret affair, he did not care about the risks such as Tom finding out because it was only Daisy he cared about. Thus, it can also be deduced that Gatsby was selfish because all of his actions were directed for the sole purpose of being with the one he loves. But being selfish is usually the case among romantic people because it is in their nature to do everything in their power for the object of their love. However, possibly the main highlight of Gatsby’s love for Daisy was when he sacrificed his life in order to save her from possible arrest and humiliation. This is shown when the car that Daisy and Gatsby were in accidentally hits and kills Myrtle Wilson, who has a secret love affair with Tom. In the ensuing events, Gatsby takes the blame for killing Myrtle even though it was Daisy who was driving the car. He also refuses to leave town when Nick asks him to do so. As a result, George, Myrtle’s husband, shoots and kills Gatsby in his rage before killing himself. In short, Gatsby’s sacrifice best exemplified his love for Daisy and punctuated the fact that he is a romantic character. He basically epitomizes a romantic who would do anything, even at the cost of his of his own life, just to please the one he loves. References Fitzgerald, F. S. (2007). The Great Gatsby. USA: Penguin Books.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Western World in the Eighteen and Ninteen Hundreds :: Nature Religion American History Essays
The Western World in the Eighteen and Ninteen Hundreds Nature underwent an incredible alteration in the way in which it was viewed by man in the Western World in the eighteen and nineteen hundreds. Venturing onto the banks of their land of promise, the first immigrants to America’s northeast shores found a trackless expanse which, instead of filling them with hope and promise for their newly won future, brought about trepidation and fear of that most ominous of adversaries: the unknown. The untamed wilderness was a frightening proposition to early settlers who were forced to reconsider their hasty renunciation of the rules and structure of civilized society. So as human beings are want to do, they imported their religious intolerance and chronic need to dominate and subjugate nature with them. As life inside the colonies became increasingly structured and illusionary of safety, the Wild outside became correspondingly malevolent as it impinged upon their cozy order and stasis. Religion continued unimpeded as the corn erstone of the colonists’ beliefs and actions, and its message was successfully used to amplify and solidify their unhealthy fear of nature. Powerful religious figures like Jonathan Edwards used the image of a wilderness analogous to Hell to strengthen worldly renunciation and recognition of the need for man to conquer his surroundings. With time the concept of nature and man’s relationship to it would continue to evolve, but it was not until the visionary philosophy of John Muir in the mid 1900s that the place of nature in religion would be completely turned on its head. By comparing the differences in doctrine set forth by Edwards and Muir, it can be seen how philosophical views of nature came full-circle in early America. In the 1800s, Christianity was a dominating influence over daily life in the New World. The majority of the population lived each day mindful of how their actions in this life would affect their placement in the next. Anticipation of Heaven and fear of Hell were very real governing factors on peoples’ behavior, and religious leaders of the time played off of this elevated degree of suggestibility and exploited the ever prevalent fear of the unknown in their preaching. Stories depicting the woods as a rendezvous point for sinners and the Devil were customary, even among the more secular of writers.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Centralized Organizational Structure Essay
ABC Homecare is a growing company consisting of four different departments. Each department has a director who makes all of the daily decisions from patient enrollment to employee breaks. This type of structure worked well when the company was established in 1989 since it only consisted of 30 employees total. ABC Homecare has grown to over 150 employees and needs change. The centralized structure has been successful for the Directors of the company, however, often leaves employees and managers unhappy. This structure is popular for producing â€Å"sluggish†business operations since ultimately only one person is making the final decision (Vitez, 2013). Currently we have 7 employee complaints on file for issues regarding our structure. Formal versus Informal Organization Reports have indicated that attendance in our formal organization groups have decline drastically over the past six months. Many employees have joined the smaller, informal groups to voice concerns and suggestions. Although we are happy that employee voices are still exercised, they are not getting the level of satisfaction needed according to the employee and this is for a number of reasons. Employees are using their voices in informal settings that do not have all of the features of actual formal organizations. In a formal group several features are characterized: a common goal; an accepted pattern of purpose †¢ a set of shared values or common beliefs that give individuals a sense of identification and belonging †¢ continuity of goal-oriented interaction †¢ a division of labor deliberately planned to achieve the goal †¢ a system of authority or a chain of command to achieve conscious integration of the group and conscious coordination of efforts to reach the goal (Liebler & McConnell, 2013 p. 67). Without these features, informal groups only serve to clarify any misunderstanding from a formal organization or allow for socialization informally. Although ABC Homecare has been voted one of the best homecare agencies in our area, there is room for improvement. Patient satisfaction is greatly affected by employee satisfaction so a plan must be implemented soon to ensure that our employees are happy to work for our company and remain as such.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Critical literature review of building successful corporate blogs Essay
There are a limited number of studies investigating the elements that characterize a successful blog. In their study, Cass, Munroe and Turcotte (2005) addressed several issues regarding the creation of successful blogs by conducting an online survey and six case studies. The following are the questions they attempted to answer: â€Å"Why would a company want to start blogging? What makes a blog successful? And how can companies use this type of website to facilitate positive business growth? †(Cass, Munroe, & Turcotte, 2005). Their survey consists of 32 questions addressing the questions previously mentioned. A total of 97 people took the survey, 75 of which are bloggers and 22 are non-bloggers, 77% of which are male and 23% are female. However, they only posted results from respondents who claim that they ran a corporate blog. Backbone Media, Inc. developed the survey page consisting of 32 questions addressing the questions previously mentioned and interviewed 6 coporate corporate blogger. Majority of the bloggers are between the ages 30 and 39. Fifty-two percent of the respondents achieved an undergraduate level and 48% achieved graduate level indicating that most of them are highly educated. â€Å"The positions of the bloggers include president (45%), head of department (33%), and staff (22%). Seventy-three percent of the bloggers come from companies with 1-100 companies while 19% come from companies with over 500 employees. †(Cass, Munroe, & Turcotte, 2005). These percentages of bloggers indicate that small, medium and large companies have been influenced by the blogging innovation. Results of the survey indicated that respondents believe that corporate blogs provide an array of benefits such as â€Å"quick publishing, thought leadership, building community, sales and online public relations. †(Cass, Munroe, & Turcotte, 2005). Results show that bloggers immediately notice that their ideas are published quickly but the biggest benefit for them is thought leadership and sharing of ideas. The interviews and the case studies provided guidelines for other companies in creating a successful corporate blog. According to Cass et. al. , since thought leadership is thought to be the biggest benefit provided by corporate blogs, it is best to discuss thought leadership to build a successful blog community. They also suggest that companies should encourage their bloggers to write more about their products and their services. Also, Cass et. al. (2005) emphasize that â€Å"new ideas should come from both the blogger and from customers†. A more recent study addressing the issue on creating a successful corporate blog is Cass and Carl’s (2006) Blogging Success Study. In their study, they tried to select and define the elements that constitute a successful corporate blog. They interviewed 20 successful corporate bloggers from different size of firms and industries. (Cass & Carl, 2006). They also conducted case studies explaining how these twenty corporate bloggers achieved success. As a solution, these are 5 main factors contribute to a successful corporate blog: â€Å"culture, transparency, time, dialogue, and entertaining writing style and personalization. †(Cass & Carl, 2006). In the case of Sony Playstation blogspot, wherein the blogspot which was not really that good in terms of content, and wherein, there were many bloggers yet there were only a few of them whose writings really matter and much of the content is somewhat personal or is considered as â€Å"noise†. The corporation acted with fluidity and immediately controlled the blogspot, by not accepting topics which the company has already addressed. In an article by Mark White (2007) a blog consultant in corporate blogging, he stresses some of the important points for a corporation to consider in managing good blogspots. He cites listening, clarity and openness, forward thinking, developing, and giving options as some points which a corporation has to live up to in order to have a good corporate blogspot. To maintain manageability of some corporate blogspots, it is important that the corporate executives themselves read what is written on the blogs and innovate and manage the blogs which are presented to them. On a separate topic, White (2007) also discussed the ideal way of managing blogs. White suggests that as a corporate blogger, one must publish on a regular basis, stay on planned topics, always keep readers in mind, make blog titles attractive in all senses, cite references of other cites, make sure that spelling and grammar are well, check back planning documents, reference foundation articles, and encourage follow ups to comments. Building corporate blogs of course takes time and a lot of effort and patience, but as long as corporate executives are managing the blogspace efficiently, and there is control over the content as well as the topics within the blogs, the blogspace would mean a lot for the corporations as benefits would definitely hit the ceiling. Corporate blogs can be helpful in making others see what its culture really by being transparent with their motives behind blogging. It must be open in engaging dialogues with customers. Blogs must also contain personal connection between the writer and the reader. Because of these considerations, setting up corporate blogs requires a lot of time. Thus, companies must be able to identify the person or persons who will be able to devote enough time in setting up blogs that can be trusted not only by customers but by their co-workers as well. These studies help to determine how bloggers perceive the notion of corporate blogging. Moreover, knowing the history of the development of blogging will help in understanding how and why the public accepted blogging as a kind of new and advantageous innovation. However, empirical research has not yet been undertaken regarding this matter. Thus, the present study will give an empirical research on the perception of bloggers on corporate blogging to determine their rate of acceptance on corporate blogging.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Ultimate Study Guide for ACT English Tips, Rules, Practice, and Strategies
The Ultimate Study Guide for ACT English Tips, Rules, Practice, and Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips This guide collects the best ACT English prep material on the internet. We've created everything here from scratch, and we think it's the best guide available anywhere. In writing it, we pored over real ACTs, consulted the best existing books, and thought deeply about what you'll need to excel on ACT English. Our subject guides closely reflect what you’ll see on the actual test and our strategies have all been used successfully by our past students. We’ve covered everything you need to know about ACT English. This post is a table of contents, designed to lead you through the different articles you’ll want to study in a logical order and explain how to get the most out of them. It starts with the big-picture, high-level ideas that will get you thinking about the best way to approach ACT English. Then it moves on to our coverage of the skills and concepts you’ll see on the test.The last section includes a variety of ACT English tips and strategies that can help you create a study plan and learn to attack the test in the most efficient way. Whether you’re looking for a complete study guide or just some additional help in a few areas, this guide can help. If you plan to use this information as your main source for ACT English prep, simply read through the pages below more or less in order- this approach will walk you through every step of studying for ACT English. If, on the other hand, you’re just looking for some further depth on a few topics or some helpful tips for the section as whole, scroll through this post and follow any links that look interesting. We recommend the first option, but it’s up to you! A quick note: If you aren’t familiar with ACT English yet, it’ll be helpful to look at an example test before reading this guide. You can download an official test here (the ACT English section starts on page 12). High-Level ACT English Guidance A big mistake many students make is assuming that because they take tests in school all the time, they know exactly what to expect from the ACT.This test has its own special quirks, however, and learning how to navigate the ACT'sunique structure and style is a key part of preparing for it and the English section specifically. What’s Actually Tested on the ACT English Section? The first step to tackling the ACT English section is to know what’s on it. This guide will help you understand how the ACT English is structured and what concepts it tests so that you can begin planning your prep. 5 Critical Concepts You Must Understand to Ace ACT English The ACT English section has certain quirks that set it apart from a grammar test you might see in English class. In this article, you’ll read about the key big-picture concepts you need to understand in order to excel on this section of the test. The Best Way to Approach ACT English Passages It’s easy to ignore the passage format of ACT English, but doing so puts you at a real disadvantage. This post will help you understand why it’s important to have strategy for how to attack the ACT English passages and determine the best way for you to approach them. How Often Is NO CHANGE the Right Answer on ACT English? One of the most common mistakes students make on ACT English is assuming that there must be an error in every question. NO CHANGE is actually the answer more than 25% of the time it’s an option. The Complete Guide to ACT Grammar Rules The 14 ACT Grammar Rules You Must Know The first article outlinesall the concepts covered byACT English, from punctuation to grammar, and the second one goes over the most important grammar rules that appear on the ACT.Use both articles to quickly review the rules and determine what you need to study further. ACT English Skills A key part of preparing for ACT English is learning rules covered by the test. I've listed ourguides to all the major concepts below, split into Grammar and Usage and Rhetorical Skills, and organized roughly in order of importance (from the most commonly tested rules to the least commonly tested ones). Grammar and Usage Parts of Speech The ACT English section doesn’t directly test parts of speech, but this guide outlines all the basics you need to know in order to understand the more complex topics. Run-on Sentences and Fragments Questions about sentence structure and correctly connecting independent clauses are the most common type on ACT English. Make sure you understand how to spot and fix run-ons and fragments. Commas On ACT English, commas are the single greatest source of confusion for most students. It's the most often tested punctuation mark on ACT English and appears very frequently. It’s vital to understand when you really need them so you can avoid overusing this tricky punctuation mark. Other Punctuation The other forms of punctuation you'll see tested on ACT English are semicolons, colons, dashes, and apostrophes. This guide covers them all! Subject-Verb Agreement Verb errors are another major topic for ACT English questions. Make sure you understand how to spot even the most well hidden agreement errors. For example, while the sentence, "Each of the siblings have their own rooms" might sound OK, the singular subject "each" actually requires the singular verb "has." Verb Tenses and Forms Issues with verb forms are a lot more common than you might think. For ACT English, you'll need to be especially familiar with problems such as inconsistent tense usage, confusion of would and will, and gerund errors. Pronoun Agreement The final major category of grammar issues is pronoun errors. Pronoun agreement, especially plural versus singular pronouns (e.g., it/he/she vs they), trips up a lot of students on the ACT. Pronoun Case You’ll see questions about pronoun case (e.g., me vs I) less often, but it’s still important to know what it is and how it’s tested. (Hint: the hard pronoun case questions usually involve compound objects.) Idioms Idiom errors, which deal with the correct usage of prepositions and conjunctions (e.g., "talk to" vs "talk at"), are one of the most confusing topics on ACT English because they don’t follow any general rules. Make sure you know when to trust your instincts about which answer sounds right. Faulty Modifiers Both misplaced and dangling modifiers appear on the ACT English section. These errors, which involve descriptors that are separated from the nouns they're describing, usually aren’t obvious, so it’s important that you know how to spot them. Parallel Structure Items in lists and comparisons need to be in the same form- that’s the basic rule of parallelism. This guide will help you understand exactly where parallelism errors appear on ACT English and how to fix them. Relative Pronouns Relative pronouns are words, such as "who," "when," and "which," that introduce additional information. Common errors with relative pronouns are creating a fragment and using the wrong pronoun for what it’s describing. Adjectives vs Adverbs Adjective and adverb issues are relatively rare, but when they do appear on ACT English, they usually involve an adjective being used in place of an adverb (e.g., "He ran quick" instead of "He ran quickly"). You might also see questions about superlatives (most) versus comparatives (more). Rhetorical Skills Transitions Transitions are the most common type of rhetorical skills question on the ACT. These questions can be confusing, but learning a few simple tricks will make themmuch easier. Wordiness and Redundancy Another common rhetorical skills topic, redundancy is confusing because it’s not necessarily something that would be considered wrong when you’re talking or writing normally. Make sure you know what counts as redundancy on ACT English. Add/Delete Add/Delete questions, which ask whether a sentence or phrase should be included or removed from the passage, are some of the most common and challenging rhetorical skills questions on ACT English. You need to know how to approach them systematically to succeed on the ACT. Author Technique/Intent The key to author intent questions, which ask about how best to achieve a certain effect, is reading them closely and understanding what they’re asking. This guide breaks down techniques for doing so effectively. Macro Logic and Organization Macro-logic is just a fancy term forquestions that ask you where a sentence or paragraph should go. These questions tend to seem more complicated than they really are- make sure to use the process of elimination to narrow down answers. Author Main Idea Main goalquestions, which ask about what the author's overall purpose is, are kind of weird because they seem to belong more on the reading section than the English one. Nonetheless, there’s usually one or two on each test, so it’s important to know how to answer them. Relevance Like redundancy, relevance is tricky because it’s likely to be a concept you haven’t encountered in this form before. Relevance questions ask you to determine whether a piece ofinformation is necessary in context. Word Choice/Diction Like idiom questions, word choice questions are tricky because they’re hard to predict and require you to have a deep knowledge of common English usage. Unlike idiom questions, however, they aren’t that common. Formality Questions that deal with formality are relatively rare- you might or might not see one on test day- so this topic should be one of the lowest priorities for your ACT English prep. ACT English Tips and Strategies This section collects a range of posts on study strategies, test-day tips, and other helpful info for your ACT English prep. You can find everything you need to know about how to build an ACT English study plan and also get helpful tricks for the test and materials for further study. The 8 Most Common Mistakes You Make on ACT English Because ACT English tests such a limited set of topics, most students miss multiple questions on just a few ideas. If you avoid making these eight common mistakes, you can raise your score by 1-2 points. Full Analysis of ACT Grammar Rules: Which Are Most Important? This article breaks down the frequency with which different types of questions appear on ACT English. Use this guide to help prioritize your studying. ACT English Prep: The Best Methods and Strategies Make sure you know the best approach for ACT English practice and prep so you can make the most progress with the least amount of work! (You’ll still have to do a lot of work, though.) The Best Sources for ACT English Practice Don’t waste your time with bad practice tests. This guide will tell you where to find the best ACT English practice tests- and a lot of them are free! The Top 9 ACT English Strategies You Must Use This post outlines the key strategies that you need to implement in your ACT English prep. The 8 ACT English Tips You Must Use in Your Prep Using these eight ACT English tips can boost your score even if the test is tomorrow, but they’ll be a lot more effective if you incorporate them into your ACT study routine. The 18 Hardest ACT English Questions Ever This guide introduces some of the hardest ACT English questions in existence and offers tips for approaching and solving them. Use these if you're aiming for a top score! How to Get 36 on ACT English: 10 Strategies From a Perfect Scorer If you’re aiming for an especially high score on ACT English, check out this guide to getting a perfect score(from someone who actually did so!). Even if you have more modest aims, this post provides some helpful tips on how to approach the test. The Top Prep Books for ACT English If you’re looking to supplement your online study with some old-fashioned paper books, these are the ones you should use for your ACT English prep. The Best ACT Vocabulary Lists on the Web ACT Vocabulary | Words You Must Know ACT English doesn’t test vocabulary that much (see the diction post above for more info), but if you’re concerned about not knowing key words, take a look at these posts, which round up the best online sources for ACT vocab and identify which words you really need toknow. Conclusion: How to Use This Ultimate ACT English Guide Having read most (hopefully all!) of these ACT English guides, youprobably know what I'm going to say you need to do next: practice with actual ACT test questions! You can only improve so much by reading about the test- you have to try out the strategies and tips for yourself.Use full-length ACT practice tests to determine whether you're on track to hitting your target score. When doing so, make sure you also know the best way to review missed questions, since you can't improve unless you learn from your mistakes.In addition, I recommend looking over questions you guessed on and got right so you can ensure you know how to get the correct answer. Overall, remember to balance your ACT prep by coming up with a foolproof study plan. And know that, with a little hard work,you can get a great score on ACT English! What's Next? Looking for help with other sections of the ACT?Don't forget to take a look at our expert guides to ACT Math,Reading,Science, andWriting. There's alsoan ultimate guide to the entire ACT! Not sure what ACT score you should be aiming for?Get help setting a personalized goal score with our guide to what good, bad, and excellent ACT scores look like. This guide has everything you'll need to build an effective ACT English prep program, but if you're feeling overwhelmed by the idea of doing it all by yourself,consider giving our online prep program a try.Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the PrepScholar ACT program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, and then customizes the program to your needs to give youthe most effective prep possible. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Monday, November 4, 2019
Financial Reporting - International Accounting Standards Essay
Financial Reporting - International Accounting Standards - Essay Example The essay "Financial Reporting - International Accounting Standards" analyses the challenges faced in establishing International Financial Reporting Standard, the characteristics of the Framework and International Financial Reporting Standard for small and medium entities. Challenges A financial reporting system should focus on the needs of all capital providers and not just for a class of people. International Accounting Standards Board was set up with the sole mission to develop, in the public interest, a single set of high quality, understandable and international financing reporting standards for general purpose financial statement. International Accounting Standards Board had it fair share of challenges to accomplish its mission. Let us analyse the challenges faced by International Accounting Standards Board below: National Financial Environment: Every country follows a certain set of accounting standards based on its local financial environment. Therefore developing an accounting standard which suits individual country specific needs is a very challenging task. International Convergence: The difference between the national accounting standards and International Financial Reporting Standard is minimal and it lies mostly because of the differential treatment of specific transactions. Hence the issue of international convergence comes in which tries to state whether the gap between the national standard and international accounting standard can be bridged and converged and adopted by countries. Government rules and regulations: Country specific rules and regulations have a bearing on the way the financial information is produced. Let us take for example, a country have the minimum tax rates and with lots of other perks to the companies. In this case a company incorporated in this country because of favorable tax regime will not try to malign its financial reports. Similarly, tax heavens (Tax Heaven) such as Mauritius, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, etc. attract more investment from companies to save tax. Many countries have double taxation because of weak tax reforms but some countries have robust taxation policies which are transparent. International Financial Reporting Standard therefore needs to factor in such issues. Social and Cultural issues: Islamic countries follow Islamic financing, which are very much different from the other national standards. Therefore, International Financial Reporting Standard, whose role is to portray the correct picture of the financial stature of the company, may find hard to make a strong foot hold in such countries. Islam financing, does not allow companies to earn high profits due to which these companies try and manipulate the accounts accordingly (Mohammed Ibrahim). International Financial Reporting Standard being an initiative of the western countries may not be acceptable in this Islam driven countries. Update the International Standards on Regular Intervals: The national accounting standards are always updated to factor in and control various lags in the standards on a time to time basis. International Accounting Standards Board similarly also have to deliver on the same lines. The challenge here is that it is very complex and they have to do it on a global scale. Therefore this requires time, respective field experts and funds. Every time they update a standard based on practical issues, they need to convey it to the countries and they in turn
Saturday, November 2, 2019
An American Drama Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
An American Drama - Movie Review Example This paper declares that the movie starts immediately after a car accident had taken place. Detective Waters, a man of African American descent, had been in the area to inspect a crime scene in the same location of the accident he had just been involved in. When Waters goes to look at the crime scene, what he sees is not seen by the audience. This study outlines that when Ryan and his partner, Hansen, leave the diner to begin their shift, they pull over a vehicle because they believed that the couple inside were engaged in sexual activities while driving. The black couple in the car, Cameron and Christine, obey the orders of the officers and leave the vehicle to be questioned. Christine, who had been drinking, is frisked by Ryan, though he involves himself more than he needed to, sexually molesting her. After his finishes with his groping, he lets the couple leave. Another montage begins again, focusing on Christine’s anger at Cameron for not helping her when the poli ce officer was touching her. Daniel is shown putting his daughter to bed after she became scared when she heard a gun shot. Anthony and Peter, in the car they had stolen, accidentally runs over one of the Asian men from the diner, who they drop off at a hospital. Hansen, fed up with Ryan’s racism and behavior, tries to get a new partner. After this montage, others scenes are shown that display each character going through more problems involving racism, with the characters going against each other simply because of the color of their skin.
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